View from alms round on the Hermitage's location in the center, between the powerlines and the river.

A Hermitage in the Kootenays

In June 2020, a tiny house was purchased, which now serves as shelter and refuge to Bhante Ānanda, in the West Kootenay mountains of Blewett, a nearby community of Nelson, BC. 

The tiny house is not yet offered, so it remains to be paid for,  but it is temporarily available for a monk to reside in, until it can be fully purchased from its owners, by supporters of the HeartDhamma community. 

The kuti was a tiny house, purchased unfinished. A lot of extra work and offerings needed to be done to complete it and to take care of it’s surrounding. Many more external donations were made to help along the project which are not included in the display below.

Many people have also helped building, fixing, adding and financing.

The manifestation of the kuti and thereby, this tiny hermitage, 

has been a most fortuitous and auspicious event to many.


6 701.46$

Kuti Purchase
Donations 20%


Sādhu Sādhu Sādhu!

Total Price

30 500$


Interac E-Transfer

Within Canada, the best way to donate is by interac e-tansfer online throught you own financial institution to :

(The amount will be directly deposited in a donations account for this specific purpose managed by Yvan Brillant (Bhante Ānanda’s dad).



International donations can be made through PayPal.

*PayPal takes around 4.5% of the amount donated.

Second Siding Offering & Finish Landscaping

Sand Offering & Walking Meditation Path

Siding Offering and Installing

From the Inside

Installing Deck, Water System & Compost

Initial Purchase and Arrival